One Neat Thing a Day

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    Sean Daily is an English major from New Jersey now living in Las Vegas, the Other City of Lights. "I consider 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' to be comfort reading, I like the al pastor tacos at Tacos Mexico and I count among my literary influences the Chainsaw from 'Doom'. 'RRRRRR! You don't like that, do you, Mr. Undead Marine! RRRRRR!'"

    Shanoah Alkire is our Discordian at large. "Born in Santa Cruz, I grew up in Grass Valley and the Bay Area, and now lurk in Las Vegas. My literary influences include Ray Bradbury, Lewis Carroll, and Douglas Adams. I also program as a hobby, and currently maintain the Gtk port of Angband. You can find a rather old bio of me here."

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Posted by shanoah on September 5, 2009

You’ve probably noticed that I’ve had several times recently that I’ve missed days. A lot of this is just simply that without Sean posting regularly, I’m finding it more difficult to maintain themes, and get inspiration for things to post.

As such, I’m going to switch to posting every other day for a while. If Sean starts posting on a regular basis again, I may start posting every day again, or we might just switch off days…

I’m not going to make as much of an effort to maintain themes while it’s mainly me, as well.

Having said that, I’m going to play the song Rain, by the Beatles. Mainly because I like the Beatles, and it rained yesterday. That, and, well, I’ve always really liked this song. It’s just a wonderfully lazy, psychedelic song. It’s amazing that it was only the B-side of a record.

The fact that there was a Beatles song in the mashup in my last post is irrelevant. There are a lot of mashups involving Beatles songs. 🙂

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